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world dances - music - martial arts - reconnection with others - group improvisation - circulation - breathing - stretching - muscle tone - coordination - posture - relaxation


Khorolistics in group was created from:

  • various yogas, chi-quong, Feldenkrais, Pilates, Asian, Brazilian and European martial arts

  • my experience as a dancer and artistic director of the trans-disciplinary company Les Transe-Mutants 

  • my energetic practice of Indian and Chinese medicine, initiatic and shamanic

  • my encounters during my numerous travels 


Thanks to a progressive process that takes into account the whole person, everyone will be able to reconnect with their body and connect with subtle and primordial energies through collective energy.


This formula is  for people of all ages and all levels who wish  to rediscover their deep energy in a friendly atmosphere, without judgment, performance or perfection. 

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